Free Gladstone Ebook

I’m proud to say I have 19 followers on my blog. I’m new to blogging and writing and pretty much a nobody at both. The Gladstone book is an idea I came up with that I’m proud of. I mixed old west with modern times. So far I have had 3 like the exert I posted on here. If you would like a free copy through Smashwords{Amazon wont let me give out free coupons} I can send you the coupon code in an email. The link is on the right of my blog post so leave your email in the comment section below. If you read the book and like it, all I ask is you leave a review on the Smashwords site. If you read it and don’t like it. Leave me a comment here so I can see why you didn’t like it and make changes. Does this sound like a fair deal? I hope you do like the book as so far I have received some good reviews. I thank you.


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2 responses to “Free Gladstone Ebook

  1. Gladstone Ebook! The professor thinks this sounds quite creative! Be encouraged to continue dadblameit! Manothunder it interests the professor for sure!

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